
As the global economy enters a post-Covid age, rising inflation rates have QSR franchisees on edge. As unpredictable labor shortages and supply chain bottlenecks abound, QSR franchisees need to rely on the wisdom of their most trusted financial partners to weather the storm. Find out what realistic business strategies QSR franchisees can employ to combat rising inflation, labor shortages, and shipping costs in a highly competitive food service market. Keeping business strategies current is vital to survival today more than ever. The modern age champions rapid convenience at the lowest price...
The choice to return jobs to the U.S. makes sense for certain industries, but not for others. In some cases, businesses are reshoring only certain portions of their manufacturing. The pros and cons that must be taken into consideration are immense. One of the most enticing options for owners and executives that want to curb the negative effects of inflation and an injured supply chain is reshoring. This is because inflationary pressures and constant supply chain disruptions have presented business executives around the world with challenges that pose a risk to any notion of consistent growth...
Skyrocketing inflation without a clear end in sight has businesses and consumers rethinking their financial strategies for 2022. Now is the time to not only secure your business prospects for the coming months but also to inflation-proof your operations for future spikes. With strategic changes and precautions, you could make 2022 more profitable than pre-Covid returns—inflation or not! Jump To... Causes of inflation | Covid-19 pandemic | Financial health evaluation | Operating profit margin | Shareholder profitability assessment | 2022 financial strategy | RPA (robotic process automation) |...
Commercial construction costs hinge on two primary categories: materials and skilled labor. Therefore, when both are in short supply and more expensive, already small profit margins contract even further. To counteract rising costs, many CRE firms simply raise their prices—which could further negatively affect the industry. First, there was Covid-19. Then came widespread labor shortages. Supply chain collapses saw rising commercial construction costs dig into profit margins worldwide. And now—to top it all off—there’s inflation. Rising steel prices, peaking at nearly $2,000/ton have affected...
The farm labor shortage, soaring fertilizer prices, and increasing inflation can easily put a damper on what otherwise should be a favorable time for agriculture. While the effects of these price fluctuations can be mitigated, doing so requires careful planning and preparation. The farming industry—like every industry—has had to grapple with significant (and in some cases systemic) changes over the past few years in the way it conducts business. Demand for row crops, fresh produce, and nuts and berries has stayed robust. But the lingering after-effects of Covid-19 persist, causing supply chain...