
When it comes to supply chain sourcing, the goal is to move products as quickly and efficiently as possible. Reevaluating current supply chain trends creates a domino effect for business owners. They'll need to adjust cash flow, cash reserves, and their overall balance sheet to accommodate increased fees Jump To... The eCommerce Boom | The Great Resignation | The Trucking Industry | Supply Chain Risk Categories | Supply Chain Mapping | Risk Rating System | Capacity Buffers & Safety Stock | Supplier Diversification | China+1 | Focus Local | Automation Advancements | Continuous Flow...
The trucking industry is short-handed and the need for alternative solutions is at an all-time high. Rising fuel prices and inflation rates have only exemplified the need for electric semi-trucks and autonomous vehicles. Experts believe the self-driving future is just over the horizon—so now is the time to prepare. Rising fuel prices and inflation rates have only exacerbated the need for electric semi-trucks and autonomous vehicles. Such vehicles used to be in the realm of science fiction, but breakthroughs in AV technology are turning fantasy into reality every day. Today, several well-known...
As the supply chain slowly pieces itself back together, logistics and trucking companies should continue seeing gradual demand increases, in the midst of a truck driver shortage. With an optimistic forecast for 2022, what does the future look like for logistics—and trucking in general? While every industry was impacted by the effects of Covid-19, the challenges created by the existing truck driver shortage have been magnified. And unfortunately, the industry doesn’t seem to be out of the woods yet. Experts predict several ongoing factors will continue to play a pivotal role in the trucking...
As the global economy enters a post-Covid age, rising inflation rates have QSR franchisees on edge. As unpredictable labor shortages and supply chain bottlenecks abound, QSR franchisees need to rely on the wisdom of their most trusted financial partners to weather the storm. Find out what realistic business strategies QSR franchisees can employ to combat rising inflation, labor shortages, and shipping costs in a highly competitive food service market. Keeping business strategies current is vital to survival today more than ever. The modern age champions rapid convenience at the lowest price...
The choice to return jobs to the U.S. makes sense for certain industries, but not for others. In some cases, businesses are reshoring only certain portions of their manufacturing. The pros and cons that must be taken into consideration are immense. One of the most enticing options for owners and executives that want to curb the negative effects of inflation and an injured supply chain is reshoring. This is because inflationary pressures and constant supply chain disruptions have presented business executives around the world with challenges that pose a risk to any notion of consistent growth...