Steps to Take If Your Bank Account is Hacked

Your Online Profile Got Hacked — Now What?

Few things can bring on a sense of panic and confusion quicker than realizing that your financial information is compromised. Whether you find yourself unable to access your online app because the password has changed, notice fraudulent charges made to your card or are suddenly missing money from your checking or savings account, the feeling that your financial security is at risk is a terrifying one. The best reaction to such a situation is a measured one that follows certain steps to recovery.

What to do when you realize that your identity has been compromisedContact Us Immediately

Whether the account in question is a savings or checking account or a credit card, your immediate action in response to hacking should be to contact us to ensure that you can minimize any damage done the moment you notice something is wrong.

The quicker you notify us, the quicker you can shut down additional transactions or withdrawals, so it’s important to act in a timely fashion. You will not be held financially liable for any unauthorized transactions made using your debit card number when the card is not lost if you report those transactions within 60 days from statement date reflecting the error.

Credit card fraud can be easier to handle compared to when someone has gained access to a savings or checking account. Companies will conduct an investigation and will not hold you responsible if the charges in question are found to be fraudulent. Once you’re issued a new card, the problem is ostensibly solved.

Update Your Security

If your online login or password have been compromised you should immediately changing your password and, if possible, username. If you’re locked out of your account because someone else has access, contact us and we’ll help protect your account and recover it. When you craft your new username and password, you’ll want to make sure that it is completely unique — don’t share a password with any other accounts you have and avoid overly simplistic passwords.

Once your online account has been restored, take additional steps to secure it so that you won’t have to worry about a re-occurrence such as enabling two-factor authentication by using your thumbprint or facial scan. It's also strongly recommended to make sure that your security software is up to date so that you are better protected from viruses and malware.

Dig Deeper Into Your Credit Report

The fact that someone has gained access to a financial account of yours might indicate a larger problem with your identity, particularly if it shared a common password with other accounts. Not only should you do a full sweep of your sensitive information to check for suspicious activity and update security settings, but also check your credit report.

You are entitled to a free report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies every 12 months by visiting Use these reports to make sure that there are no lines of credit open that you did not open yourself and that your payment history is accurate. Knowing this information is crucial not just when you have your identity compromised, but also if you plan to take out a loan in the future. You may also want to consider opting into a credit monitoring service.

Dealing with being hacked is an unpleasant experience in any respect, but if you know how to approach the situation, you’ll be better prepared to protect yourself and move on from the incident unscathed.

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